Function TyoboSonekiKeisansyo(EnshuCD, KaisyaCD, SakuseiKaisyaCD, BunsyoSyuruiCD, BunsyoNaiyoCD, AutoFlg, PrintFlg, Param1, Param2, Param3, KurikoshiKubun)
Dim RowBreakNum, RowCount
Dim Page
RowCount = 0
Dim pp
pp = 0
If PrintFlg = 1 Then
RowBreakNum = 30
RowBreakNum = MaxRowBreakNum
MaxPage = 1
End If
Dim Query
Dim Content
Dim Torihikibi
Dim kk
Dim DSP_Zandaka
Dim KaikeiKaishibi, KaikeiSyuryobi
Query = "exec SPM演習取得 '" & GB_SystemCD & "','" & EnshuCD & "'"
Set Content = OpenQuery(Query)
If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then
KaikeiKaishibi = Content.Fields("会計開始日")
KaikeiSyuryobi = Content.Fields("会計終了日")
End If
If Param1 = "" Then
Param1 = KaikeiKaishibi
End If
If Param2 = "" Then
Param2 = KaikeiSyuryobi
End If
Dim bExistSyuseiKinyu
bExistSyuseiKinyu = 0
Query = "exec SPK伝票集計取得 '" & GB_SystemCD & "','" & EnshuCD & "', '" & KaisyaCD & "', '', -1, -1, 9"
Set Content = OpenQuery(Query)
If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then
bExistSyuseiKinyu = 1
End If
Dim Nikubun, NikubunFlg, TanaorosiKubun, TanaorosiFlg
If bExistSyuseiKinyu = 0 Then
TanaorosiKubun = Param3
Nikubun = Param3
End If
If TanaorosiKubun = "1" Then 'チェックあり
TanaorosiFlg = "checked"
TanaorosiFlg = ""
End If
If Nikubun = "1" Then 'チェックあり
NikubunFlg = "checked"
NikubunFlg = ""
End If
If KurikoshiKubun = "1" Then
KurikoshiKubun = "10"
KurikoshiKubun = "9"
End If
Dim SyoruiMei
If AutoFlg = 0 Then
Query = "exec SPK帳簿_損益計算書取得 '" & GB_SystemCD & "','" & EnshuCD & "', '" & KaisyaCD & "'"
SyoruiMei = "損益計算書"
ElseIf AutoFlg = 1 Then
Query = "exec SPK自動転記帳簿_財務諸表2 '" & GB_SystemCD & "', '" & EnshuCD & "', '" & KaisyaCD & "','" & Param1 & "','" & Param2 & "','P', 0, " & KurikoshiKubun
SyoruiMei = "損益計算書(自動)"
Query = "SELECT * FROM TC1システムM WHERE 1 = 0"
SyoruiMei = "損益計算書"
Param1 = ""
Param2 = ""
End If
Set Content = OpenQuery(Query)
Dim RecordCount, ShowCount
If AutoFlg = 1 Then
RecordCount = 0
ShowCount = 0
MaxCount = 0
Do While Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF)
RecordCount = RecordCount + 1
Set Content = OpenQuery(Query)
ShowCount = RecordCount
MaxCount = RecordCount + 3
' RowBreakNum = MaxCount
ReDim WK_Zandaka(MaxCount)
For jj = 0 To MaxCount
WK_Zandaka(jj) = Array("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "")
Do While Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF)
ii = ii + 1
WK_Zandaka(ii)(1) = Content.Fields("勘定CD")
WK_Zandaka(ii)(2) = Content.Fields("勘定名称")
WK_Zandaka(ii)(3) = Content.Fields("借方金額")
WK_Zandaka(ii)(4) = Content.Fields("貸方金額")
' WK_Zandaka(ii)(5) = Content.Fields("勘定科目貸借区分")
WK_Zandaka(ii)(6) = Content.Fields("貸借区分")
WK_Zandaka(ii)(7) = Content.Fields("諸表集計CD")
If (bExistSyuseiKinyu = 0 And TanaorosiKubun = "1") Or (bExistSyuseiKinyu = 1 And Nikubun = "1") Then
Dim KimatsuSyohinTanaoroshidaka, KisyuSyohinTanaoroshidaka
KisyuSyohinTanaoroshidaka = KisyuTanaoroshiKingaku(Param2)
KimatsuSyohinTanaoroshidaka = KimatsuTanaoroshiKingaku(Param2)
Dim KurikosiFLG, InsertNo
Dim i ,j
' For jj = 1 To RecordCount
' Response.Write(jj & "-" & WK_Zandaka(jj)(1) & "
' Next
Dim KanjyoCDShiire, KanjyoCDKurikoshiSyohin
Dim KanjyoCDKisyuSyohinTanaoroshidaka, KanjyoCDKimatsuSyohinTanaoroshidaka
Query = "exec SPM勘定科目取得特別勘定 '" & GB_SystemCD & "','" & EnshuCD & "', ''"
Set Content = OpenQuery(Query)
Do While Not(Content.BOF OR Content.EOF)
If Content.Fields("特別勘定区分") = "DL" Then
KanjyoCDShiire = Content.Fields("勘定CD")
ElseIf Content.Fields("特別勘定区分") = "DG" Then
KanjyoCDKisyuSyohinTanaoroshidaka = Content.Fields("勘定CD")
ElseIf Content.Fields("特別勘定区分") = "DH" Then
KanjyoCDKimatsuSyohinTanaoroshidaka = Content.Fields("勘定CD")
ElseIf Content.Fields("特別勘定区分") = "DJ" Then
KanjyoCDKurikoshiSyohin = Content.Fields("勘定CD")
End If
For jj = 1 To RecordCount
If WK_Zandaka(jj)(1) = KanjyoCDKurikoshiSyohin Then
WK_Zandaka(ii) = NullValue
ShowCount = ShowCount - 1
End If
Dim tmp
tmp = ReplaceKanjyo(KanjyoCDKisyuSyohinTanaoroshidaka, KisyuSyohinTanaoroshidaka, 0)
tmp = ReplaceKanjyo(KanjyoCDKimatsuSyohinTanaoroshidaka, 0, KimatsuSyohinTanaoroshidaka)
If bExistSyuseiKinyu = 1 Then
tmp = ReplaceKanjyo(KanjyoCDShiire, KityuShiireKingaku(Param2), 0)
End If
End If
ReDim DSP_Zandaka(ShowCount + 1)
For jj = 0 To ShowCount
DSP_Zandaka(jj) = Array("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "")
If 1 = 0 Then
For jj = 0 To MaxCount - 1
For kk = 0 To 5
" & vbCrLf)
" & vbCrLf)
" & vbCrLf)
Call QuickSort(WK_Zandaka, 0, MaxCount - 1)
For jj = 0 To MaxCount - 1
For kk = 0 To 6
" & vbCrLf)
End If
Dim cc, dd
Dim DSP_SyuekiTotal,DSP_HiyoTotal
cc = 0
dd = 0
For jj = 0 To MaxCount - 1
If WK_Zandaka(jj)(6) <> "" Then '借方
If WK_Zandaka(jj)(6) = "D" Then '借方
If WK_Zandaka(jj)(3) - WK_Zandaka(jj)(4) <> 0 Then
dd = dd + 1
DSP_Zandaka(dd)(5) = WK_Zandaka(jj)(3) - WK_Zandaka(jj)(4)
DSP_Zandaka(dd)(1) = WK_Zandaka(jj)(1)
DSP_Zandaka(dd)(3) = WK_Zandaka(jj)(2)
DSP_HiyoTotal = DSP_HiyoTotal + DSP_Zandaka(dd)(5)
End If
If WK_Zandaka(jj)(4) - WK_Zandaka(jj)(3) <> 0 Then
cc = cc + 1
DSP_Zandaka(cc)(6) = WK_Zandaka(jj)(4) - WK_Zandaka(jj)(3)
DSP_Zandaka(cc)(2) = WK_Zandaka(jj)(1)
DSP_Zandaka(cc)(4) = WK_Zandaka(jj)(2)
DSP_SyuekiTotal = DSP_SyuekiTotal + DSP_Zandaka(cc)(6)
End If
End If
End If
Dim DisplayRow
If cc > dd Then
DisplayRow = cc
DisplayRow = dd
End If
Torihikibi = Param2
Set Content = OpenQuery(Query)
If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then
Torihikibi = SetTimeYYYYMMDD(Content.Fields("取引日"))
End IF
ShowCount = 0
Do While Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF)
ShowCount = ShowCount + 1
ReDim DSP_Zandaka(ShowCount + 1)
For jj = 0 To ShowCount
DSP_Zandaka(jj) = Array("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "")
DisplayRow = ShowCount
ii = 0
If Not(Content.BOF) Then
End If
Dim KariCnt
Dim KashiCnt
KariCnt = 0
KashiCnt = 0
Do While Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF)
ii = ii + 1
Param2 = Content.Fields("取引日")
If "" & Content.Fields("借方勘定CD") <> "" And "" & Content.Fields("借方勘定名称") <> "" And "" & Content.Fields("借方金額") <> "" Then
KariCnt = KariCnt + 1
DSP_Zandaka(KariCnt)(1) = Content.Fields("借方勘定CD")
DSP_Zandaka(KariCnt)(3) = Content.Fields("借方勘定名称")
DSP_Zandaka(KariCnt)(5) = Content.Fields("借方金額")
End If
If "" & Content.Fields("貸方勘定CD") <> "" And "" & Content.Fields("貸方勘定名称") <> "" And "" & Content.Fields("貸方金額") <> "" Then
KashiCnt = KashiCnt + 1
DSP_Zandaka(KashiCnt)(2) = Content.Fields("貸方勘定CD")
DSP_Zandaka(KashiCnt)(4) = Content.Fields("貸方勘定名称")
DSP_Zandaka(KashiCnt)(6) = Content.Fields("貸方金額")
End If
If KariCnt > ii Then
ii = KariCnt
ElseIf KashiCnt > ii Then
ii = KashiCnt
End If
' DSP_Zandaka(ii)(2) = Content.Fields("貸方勘定CD")
' DSP_Zandaka(ii)(4) = Content.Fields("貸方勘定名称")
' DSP_Zandaka(ii)(6) = Content.Fields("貸方金額")
' DSP_Zandaka(ii)(1) = Content.Fields("借方勘定CD")
' DSP_Zandaka(ii)(3) = Content.Fields("借方勘定名称")
' DSP_Zandaka(ii)(5) = Content.Fields("借方金額")
End If
Dim KarikataGokei, KashikataGokei
KarikataGokei = 0
KashikataGokei = 0
If PrintFlg = 0 Then
End If
For Page = 1 To MaxPage
If Page <> 1 Then
End If
If PrintFlg = 1 Then
End if
<% = SetStringInsertSpace(SyoruiMei) %> |
<% If AutoFlg <> -1 And PrintFlg = 1 Then %><% = Page %>ページ<% End If %> |
If AutoFlg = - 1 Then
自: |
<% = Param1 %> |
〜 |
至: |
<% = Param2 %> |
End If
費用 |
金額 |
収益 |
金額 |
GB_CSVOutput = GB_CSVOutput & ""
GB_CSVOutput = GB_CSVOutput & ",費用"
GB_CSVOutput = GB_CSVOutput & ",金額"
GB_CSVOutput = GB_CSVOutput & ","
GB_CSVOutput = GB_CSVOutput & ",収益"
GB_CSVOutput = GB_CSVOutput & ",金額"
GB_CSVOutput = GB_CSVOutput & "kaigyooygiakaigyooygiakaigyooygiakaigyooygiak"
<% If PrintFlg <> 1 Then %>
<% End If %>
Dim ii, jj
ii = 0
If 1 = 0 Then
For jj = 0 To DisplayRow
For kk = 0 To 6
Response.write(" " & vbCrLf)
End If
jj = 0
For ii = pp + 1 To DisplayRow
pp = pp + 1
RowCount = RowCount + 1
If Not(DSP_Zandaka(ii)(1) = "" and DSP_Zandaka(ii)(2) = "") Then
jj = jj + 1
If Not(IsNull(DSP_Zandaka(ii)(5))) And DSP_Zandaka(ii)(5) <> "" Then
KarikataGokei = KarikataGokei + DSP_Zandaka(ii)(5)
End If
If Not(IsNull(DSP_Zandaka(ii)(6))) And DSP_Zandaka(ii)(6) <> "" Then
KashikataGokei = KashikataGokei + DSP_Zandaka(ii)(6)
End If
Response.Write("" & vbCrLf)
Response.Write("" & DSP_Zandaka(ii)(1) & " | " & vbCrLf)
Response.Write("" & DSP_Zandaka(ii)(3) & " | " & vbCrLf)
Response.Write("" & ConvIntToMoney(DSP_Zandaka(ii)(5), false, false) & " | " & vbCrLf)
Response.Write("" & DSP_Zandaka(ii)(2) & " | " & vbCrLf)
Response.Write("" & DSP_Zandaka(ii)(4) & " | " & vbCrLf)
Response.Write("" & ConvIntToMoney(DSP_Zandaka(ii)(6), false, false) & " | " & vbCrLf)
Response.Write(" ")
GB_CSVOutput = GB_CSVOutput & "" & DSP_Zandaka(ii)(1)
GB_CSVOutput = GB_CSVOutput & "," & DSP_Zandaka(ii)(3)
GB_CSVOutput = GB_CSVOutput & "," & DSP_Zandaka(ii)(5)
GB_CSVOutput = GB_CSVOutput & "," & DSP_Zandaka(ii)(2)
GB_CSVOutput = GB_CSVOutput & "," & DSP_Zandaka(ii)(4)
GB_CSVOutput = GB_CSVOutput & "," & DSP_Zandaka(ii)(6)
GB_CSVOutput = GB_CSVOutput & "kaigyooygiakaigyooygiakaigyooygiakaigyooygiak"
If (RowCount Mod RowBreakNum = 0) Then
Exit For
End If
End If
If 1 = 1 Then
For jj = RowCount + 1 To Max(30, Max(RowBreakNum, (Int((RowCount - 1) / RowBreakNum) + 1) * RowBreakNum) * PrintFlg)
Response.Write("" & vbCrLf)
Response.Write(" | " & vbCrLf)
Response.Write(" | " & vbCrLf)
Response.Write(" | " & vbCrLf)
Response.Write(" | " & vbCrLf)
Response.Write(" | " & vbCrLf)
Response.Write(" | " & vbCrLf)
Response.Write(" ")
End if
<% If PrintFlg <> 1 Then %>
<% End If %>
<% 'If Content.BOF Or Content.EOF Then %>
<% 'If ii + 1 > Ubound(DSP_Zandaka) Then %>
<% 'If ii + 1 > ShowCount Then %>
<% If ii + 1 > DisplayRow Then %>
<% If KashikataGokei - KarikataGokei > 0 Then Response.Write("当期利益") End If %> |
<% If KashikataGokei - KarikataGokei > 0 Then Response.Write(ConvIntToMoney(KashikataGokei - KarikataGokei, false, false)) End If %> |
<% If KashikataGokei - KarikataGokei < 0 Then Response.Write("当期損失") End If %> |
<% If KashikataGokei - KarikataGokei < 0 Then Response.Write(ConvIntToMoney(KarikataGokei - KashikataGokei, false, false)) End If %> |
GB_CSVOutput = GB_CSVOutput & ""
GB_CSVOutput = GB_CSVOutput & ","
If KashikataGokei - KarikataGokei > 0 Then
GB_CSVOutput = GB_CSVOutput & "当期利益"
End If
GB_CSVOutput = GB_CSVOutput & ","
If KashikataGokei - KarikataGokei > 0 Then
GB_CSVOutput = GB_CSVOutput & (KashikataGokei - KarikataGokei)
End If
GB_CSVOutput = GB_CSVOutput & ","
GB_CSVOutput = GB_CSVOutput & ","
If KashikataGokei - KarikataGokei < 0 Then
GB_CSVOutput = GB_CSVOutput & "当期損失"
End If
GB_CSVOutput = GB_CSVOutput & ","
If KashikataGokei - KarikataGokei < 0 Then
GB_CSVOutput = GB_CSVOutput & (KarikataGokei - KashikataGokei)
End If
GB_CSVOutput = GB_CSVOutput & "kaigyooygiakaigyooygiakaigyooygiakaigyooygiak"
<% If AutoFlg = - 1 Then %>
費用合計 |
収益合計 |
<% Else %>
費用合計 |
<% If KashikataGokei - KarikataGokei > 0 Then Response.Write(ConvIntToMoney(KashikataGokei, false, false)) Else Response.Write(ConvIntToMoney(KarikataGokei, false, false)) End If %> |
収益合計 |
<% If KashikataGokei - KarikataGokei > 0 Then Response.Write(ConvIntToMoney(KashikataGokei, false, false)) Else Response.Write(ConvIntToMoney(KarikataGokei, false, false)) End If %> |
GB_CSVOutput = GB_CSVOutput & ""
GB_CSVOutput = GB_CSVOutput & ",費用合計"
GB_CSVOutput = GB_CSVOutput & ","
If KashikataGokei - KarikataGokei > 0 Then
GB_CSVOutput = GB_CSVOutput & KashikataGokei
GB_CSVOutput = GB_CSVOutput & KarikataGokei
End If
GB_CSVOutput = GB_CSVOutput & ","
GB_CSVOutput = GB_CSVOutput & ",収益合計"
GB_CSVOutput = GB_CSVOutput & ","
If KashikataGokei - KarikataGokei > 0 Then
GB_CSVOutput = GB_CSVOutput & KashikataGokei
GB_CSVOutput = GB_CSVOutput & KarikataGokei
End If
GB_CSVOutput = GB_CSVOutput & "kaigyooygiakaigyooygiakaigyooygiakaigyooygiak"
<% End If %>
<% End If %>
If PrintFlg = 1 Then
End If
' If (Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then
' If ii + 1 > Ubound(DSP_Zandaka) Then
' If ii + 1 > ShowCount Then
If ii + 1 > DisplayRow Then
Exit For
End If
If PrintFlg = 0 Then
End if
End Function
Function ReplaceKanjyo(F_KanjyoCD, F_KarikataKingaku, F_KashikataKingaku)
If IsNull(F_KarikataKingaku) Then F_KarikataKingaku = 0 End If
If IsNull(F_KashikataKingaku) Then F_KashikataKingaku = 0 End If
Dim InsertNo, KurikosiFLG
Dim ii, jj
Dim Query, Content
InsertNo = -1
KurikosiFLG = 0
If F_KarikataKingaku <> 0 OR F_KashikataKingaku <> 0 Then
For jj = 1 To MaxCount
If WK_Zandaka(jj)(1) = "" Then
Exit For
End If
If WK_Zandaka(jj)(1) > F_KanjyoCD Then
If KurikosiFLG = 0 Then
For ii = MaxCount - 1 To jj Step -1
WK_Zandaka(ii + 1)(1) = WK_Zandaka(ii)(1)
WK_Zandaka(ii + 1)(2) = WK_Zandaka(ii)(2)
WK_Zandaka(ii + 1)(3) = WK_Zandaka(ii)(3)
WK_Zandaka(ii + 1)(4) = WK_Zandaka(ii)(4)
WK_Zandaka(ii + 1)(5) = WK_Zandaka(ii)(5)
WK_Zandaka(ii + 1)(6) = WK_Zandaka(ii)(6)
InsertNo = jj
KurikosiFLG = 1
ShowCount = ShowCount + 1
Exit For
End If
ElseIf WK_Zandaka(jj)(1) = F_KanjyoCD Then
KurikosiFLG = 1
InsertNo = jj
End If
If KurikosiFLG = 0 Then
InsertNo = jj
ShowCount = ShowCount + 1
End If
End If
If InsertNo <> -1 Then
Query = "exec SPM勘定科目取得 '" & GB_SystemCD & "','" & EnshuCD & "', '" & F_KanjyoCD & "'"
Set Content = OpenQuery(Query)
If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then
WK_Zandaka(InsertNo)(6) = Content.Fields("貸借区分")
WK_Zandaka(InsertNo)(2) = Content.Fields("勘定名称")
WK_Zandaka(InsertNo)(7) = Content.Fields("諸表集計CD")
End If
WK_Zandaka(InsertNo)(1) = F_KanjyoCD
If WK_Zandaka(InsertNo)(5) = "C" Then
WK_Zandaka(InsertNo)(3) = 0
WK_Zandaka(InsertNo)(4) = F_KashikataKingaku - F_KarikataKingaku
WK_Zandaka(InsertNo)(3) = F_KarikataKingaku - F_KashikataKingaku
WK_Zandaka(InsertNo)(4) = 0
End If
End If
End Function