<% Function UnsoSeikyuSyorui(EnshuCD, KaisyaCD, SakuseiKaisyaCD, BunsyoSyuruiCD, BunsyoNaiyoCD, AutoFlg, PrintFlg) 'マスタの標準消費税率を取得 Dim StdTaxRate Dim StdTaxRateUnso StdTaxRate = GB_Shohizei StdTaxRateUnso = GB_Shohizei If GB_ShohizeiMode = 1 Then Query = " SELECT * FROM TDA消費税率M WHERE システムCD = '" & GB_SystemCD & "' AND 演習CD = '" & EnshuCD & "' AND (標準 = '1' OR 運送費標準 = '1') " Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) Do While Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) If "" & Content.Fields("標準") = "1" Then StdTaxRate = Content.Fields("消費税率") End If If "" & Content.Fields("運送費標準") = "1" Then StdTaxRateUnso = Content.Fields("消費税率") End If Content.MoveNext Loop End If Dim TmpCnt Dim Query, Query2 Dim Content Dim Action Dim TorihikisakiCD Dim Syoribi, GakuseiBango Dim ShiharaiHoho , HasshinFlg, Tekiyo Dim SakujyoFlg Dim GokeiKingaku, SyohizeiKingaku, ZeikomiKingaku Dim ShiireUriageBunsyoNaiyoCD, tmps Dim DbTorihikisakiCD Dim DbSakuseiKaishaCD Dim BunsyoKubun Dim MeisaiUnsobi(5) Dim MeisaiUnsosakiCD(5) Dim MeisaiUnsohi(5) Dim MeisaiUnsosakiMeisyo(5) For ii = 1 To 5 MeisaiUnsobi(ii) = "" MeisaiUnsosakiCD(ii) = "" MeisaiUnsohi(ii) = "" MeisaiUnsosakiMeisyo(ii) = "" Next Dim RouteType RouteType = Request("RouteType") Dim SenpoFlg SenpoFlg = 0 If SakuseiKaisyaCD <> KaisyaCD Then SenpoFlg = 1 End IF TorihikisakiCD = Request("TorihikisakiCD") If SenpoFlg = 1 Then If GB_JisyaFlag <> "" Then '運用管理・演習管理(自社フラグ無し)では開封フラグを立てない(061213小野) Query = "exec SPC運送費請求書開封 '" & GB_SystemCD & "','" & EnshuCD & "', '" & KaisyaCD & "', '" & SakuseiKaisyaCD & "', '" & BunsyoSyuruiCD & "', '" & BunsyoNaiyoCD & "'" Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) End If Query = "exec SPC運送費請求書取得 '" & GB_SystemCD & "','" & EnshuCD & "', '" & KaisyaCD & "', '" & SakuseiKaisyaCD & "', '" & BunsyoSyuruiCD & "', '" & BunsyoNaiyoCD & "'" Else Query = "exec SPC運送費請求書取得 '" & GB_SystemCD & "','" & EnshuCD & "', '" & KaisyaCD & "', '" & SakuseiKaisyaCD & "', '" & BunsyoSyuruiCD & "', '" & BunsyoNaiyoCD & "'" End If 'Response.Write(Query) 'Exit Function Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then Syoribi = SetTimeYYYYMMDD(Content.Fields("処理日")) DbTorihikisakiCD = Content.Fields("取引先CD") DbSakuseiKaishaCD = Content.Fields("作成会社CD") ShiharaiHoho = Content.Fields("支払方法") Tekiyo = Content.Fields("摘要") HasshinFlg = Content.Fields("発行フラグ") SakujyoFlg = Content.Fields("削除フラグ") GakuseiBango = Content.Fields("学生番号") BunsyoKubun = Content.Fields("文書区分") If BunsyoKubun = "CA" Then ShiireUriageBunsyoNaiyoCD = Content.Fields("納品請求書番号群") Else ii = 0 Do While Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) ii = ii + 1 MeisaiUnsobi(ii) = SetTimeYYYYMMDD(Content.Fields("運送日")) MeisaiUnsosakiCD(ii) = Content.Fields("運送先CD") MeisaiUnsohi(ii) = Content.Fields("運送費") MeisaiUnsosakiMeisyo(ii) = ConvKaisyaMeisyoDx(EnshuCD, MeisaiUnsosakiCD(ii)) Content.MoveNext Loop End If End If For ii = 1 To 5 If MeisaiUnsosakiMeisyo(ii) = "" Then MeisaiUnsosakiMeisyo(ii) = "以下余白" Exit For End If Next Dim SyoruiMei, Title SyoruiMei = "運送費請求書" Title = SyoruiMei '請求元情報取得(100917小野)※請求先を表示してしまっていたので修正(150511小野) Dim Adr1 Dim Adr2 Query = "exec SPM会社取得 '" & GB_SystemCD & "','" & EnshuCD & "','" & DbSakuseiKaishaCD & "'" Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then Adr1 = Content.Fields("住所1") Adr2 = Content.Fields("住所2") End If %> <% If PrintFlg = 1 Then %> <table width="640" height="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td align="center" valign="top"> <% Response.Write(PrintHeader(AutoFlg, "")) %> <% Else %> <table width="100%" height="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="5"> <tr> <td align="center" valign="middle"> <% End if %> <table width="550" height="430" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="5"> <tr> <td align="center"> <table width="100%" height="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" style="border:solid 1px #111111"> <tr> <td height="190" align="center" valign="bottom"> <table width="550" height="180" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td height="60" align="center" valign="top"> <table width="530" height="50" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td> </td> <td valign="top"> <table width="130" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-bottom: 1px solid #000000" class="tx2022"> <tr> <td align="center" nowrap><% Dim ii If Len(SyoruiMei) < 8 Then Response.Write(SetStringInsertSpace(SyoruiMei)) Else Response.Write(SyoruiMei) End If %></td> </tr> </table> </td> <td width="165"> <table height="50" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr class="tx1416"> <td width="60" height="25">書類番号</td> <td width="105" height="25">:<% = BunsyoNaiyoCD %></td> </tr> <tr class="tx1416"> <td height="25">処 理 日</td> <td height="25">:<% = Syoribi %></td> </tr> </table> </td> <td width="150" align="right" valign="bottom"> <table width="150" height="50" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#111111" STYLE="border-collapse: collapse"> <tr class="tx1214" > <td width="50" height="15" align="center"> </td> <td width="50" height="15" align="center"> </td> <td width="50" height="15" align="center">係 印</td> </tr> <tr class="tx1416"> <td width="50" height="35" align="center"> </td> <td width="50" height="35" align="center"> </td> <td width="50" height="35" align="center"><% = ConvShimeiRyakuMeisyo(GakuseiBango) %></td> </tr> </table> </td> <td> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center" valign="middle"> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr class="tx1618"> <td width="70" height="25">取 引 先</td> <td width="200">:<% = ConvKaisyaMeisyoDx(EnshuCD, DbTorihikisakiCD) %></td> <td width="200"><% = ConvKaisyaMeisyoDx(EnshuCD, DbSakuseiKaishaCD) %></td><!--運送会社情報--> </tr> <tr class="tx1618"> <td height="25">支払方法</td> <td>:<% = ShiharaiHoho %></td> <td><% = Adr1 %></td><!--運送会社情報--> </tr> <tr class="tx1618"> <td height="25">摘 要</td> <td>:<% = Tekiyo %></td> <td><% = Adr2 %></td><!--運送会社情報--> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="240" align="center" valign="top"> <table width="550" height="230" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="100%" align="RIGHT"> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" width="530" bordercolor="#000000"> <tr> <td height="150" valign="TOP"> <TABLE WIDTH="530" BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="0" HEIGHT="100%"> <TR> <TD HEIGHT="20" VALIGN="BOTTOM" WIDTH="530"> <TABLE WIDTH="500" BORDER="1" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0" BORDERCOLOR="#000000" BGCOLOR="#FFFFCC" CLASS="tx1618" STYLE="border-collapse: collapse"> <TR ALIGN="CENTER" bgcolor="#DDDDDD"> <!--<TD WIDTH="50">番号</TD>--> <TD WIDTH="120">処理日</TD> <TD HEIGHT="23">運送先</TD> <TD WIDTH="120">金額</TD> </TR> <% If BunsyoKubun <> "CA" Then GokeiKingaku = 0 For ii = 1 To 5 %> <TR ALIGN="CENTER" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <TD WIDTH="120" class="tx1618"><% = MeisaiUnsobi(ii) %></TD> <TD HEIGHT="23"><% = MeisaiUnsosakiMeisyo(ii) %></TD> <TD WIDTH="120" align="right" class="tx1618"><% = ConvIntToMoney(MeisaiUnsohi(ii), false, false) %></TD> </TR> <% If MeisaiUnsohi(ii) <> "" Then GokeiKingaku = GokeiKingaku + MeisaiUnsohi(ii) End If Next 'SyohizeiKingaku = Int(GokeiKingaku * GB_Shohizei / 100) SyohizeiKingaku = Int(GokeiKingaku * StdTaxRateUnso / 100) ZeikomiKingaku = GokeiKingaku + SyohizeiKingaku End If %> </TABLE> </TD> </TR> <% If BunsyoKubun = "CA" Then %> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" > <% If PrintFlg = 0 Then %> <DIV ID="Layer1" STYLE="position:relative; left:0px; top:0px; width:520px; height:100%; z-index:1; border: 1px none #000000; overflow: auto;"> <% End If %> <TABLE ID="SyoukaiList" WIDTH="500" BORDER="1" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="0" class="tx1618" BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" STYLE="border-collapse: collapse" BORDERCOLOR="#000000"> <% If SenpoFlg = 1 Then Query2 = "exec SPC運送費請求一覧 '" & GB_SystemCD & "','" & EnshuCD & "', '" & SakuseiKaisyaCD & "', '" & DbTorihikisakiCD & "','" & GB_KaikeiSyuryobi & "'" Else Query2 = "exec SPC運送費請求一覧 '" & GB_SystemCD & "','" & EnshuCD & "', '" & KaisyaCD & "', '" & DbTorihikisakiCD & "','" & GB_KaikeiSyuryobi & "'" End If 'Response.Write(Query2) 'Exit Function TorihikisakiCD = DbTorihikisakiCD Dim SyoriYMD tmps = split(ShiireUriageBunsyoNaiyoCD, ",") GokeiKingaku = 0 Dim kk, bExist ii = 0 Set Content = OpenQuery(Query2) Do While Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) bExist = 0 For kk = 0 To UBound(tmps) Dim tmpss tmpss = split(tmps(kk), ":") If UBound(tmpss) = 1 Then If Content.Fields("会社CD") = tmpss(0) And Content.Fields("文書種類CD") = "KN" And Int(Content.Fields("文書内容CD")) = Int(tmpss(1)) Then bExist = 1 End if ElseIf UBound(tmpss) = 2 Then If Content.Fields("会社CD") = tmpss(0) And Content.Fields("文書種類CD") = tmpss(1) And Content.Fields("文書内容CD") = tmpss(2) Then bExist = 1 End if End If Next If bExist = 1 Then GokeiKingaku = GokeiKingaku + Content.Fields("運送費") Response.Write("<TR ALIGN=""CENTER"">" & vbCrLf) ' Response.Write("<TD WIDTH=""50"" HEIGHT=""20"">" & Content.Fields("文書内容CD") & "</TD>" & vbCrLf) Response.Write("<TD WIDTH=""120"" HEIGHT=""23"" ALIGN=""center"" class=""tx1618"">" & SetTimeYYYYMMDD(Content.Fields("処理日")) & "</TD>" & vbCrLf) Response.Write("<TD HEIGHT=""23"">" & ConvKaisyaMeisyoDx(EnshuCD, Content.Fields("取引先CD")) & "</TD>" & vbCrLf) Response.Write("<TD WIDTH=""120"" HEIGHT=""23"" ALIGN=""right"" class=""tx1618"">" & ConvIntToMoney(Content.Fields("運送費"), false, false) & "</TD>" & vbCrLf) ii = ii + 1 Response.Write("</TR>") End If Content.MoveNext Loop Dim jj For jj = ii To 6 Response.Write("<TR ALIGN=""CENTER"">" & vbCrLf) Response.Write("<TD WIDTH=""100""></TD>" & vbCrLf) Response.Write("<TD HEIGHT=""23"">") If jj = ii Then Response.Write("以下余白") End If Response.Write("</TD>" & vbCrLf) Response.Write("<TD WIDTH=""100"" HEIGHT=""23"" ALIGN=""LEFT""></TD>" & vbCrLf) Response.Write("</TR>") Next 'SyohizeiKingaku = Int(GokeiKingaku * GB_Shohizei / 100) SyohizeiKingaku = Int(GokeiKingaku * StdTaxRateUnso / 100) ZeikomiKingaku = GokeiKingaku + SyohizeiKingaku %> </TABLE> <% If PrintFlg = 0 Then %> </DIV> <% End If %> </TD> </TR> <% End If %> </TABLE> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <table width="500" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#000000" bgcolor="#DDDDDD" class="tx1618"> <tr> <td align="center" width="250" rowspan="4"> </td> <td align="center">合計金額</td> <td align="right" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" width="120" height="25" class="tx1618"><% = SetMoney(GokeiKingaku, false, false) %></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center">消費税額</td> <td align="right" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" width="120" height="25" class="tx1618"><% = SetMoney(SyohizeiKingaku, false, false) %></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center">税込金額</td> <td align="right" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" width="120" height="25" class="tx1618"><% = SetMoney(ZeikomiKingaku, false, false) %></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <% If SenpoFlg = 0 And PrintFlg = 0 Then %> <td valign="top" class="tx1618"><br><br> <table width="100%" height="200" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#eeeeff" style="border:solid 1px #111111"> <tr> <td valign="top"> <table width="100%" height="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" > <tr> <td valign="top"> <table BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="2" class="tx1618" width="160"> <tr> <td>この書類に関する情報</td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>発信: <% = ConvFlagMeisyo(HasshinFlg, 5) %></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="15"></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <% End If %> </tr> </table> <% If PrintFlg = 1 Then Response.Write(PrintFooter()) End if %> </td> </tr> </table> <% End Function %>